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Botox Injection

Dysport FAQS:

What Is Dysport?

Dysport, like Botox, is an injectable used to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles due to repeated facial expressions. Just like Botox, Dysport is composed of a naturally-occurring, purified protein called Botulinum Toxin A. Dysport belongs to a class of drugs called “neuromodulators,” which also includes Botox and Xeomin. It can be used safely and temporarily to relax muscles by blocking neurological signals. It is administered strategically to prevent contractions of specific muscles that cause creases, wrinkles and other aesthetic issues of the face and neck. When you try to contract a muscle treated with Dysport, the movement is greatly reduced.


What Results Can I Expect?

Dysport and other neuromodulators (Botox and Xeomin) treat both dynamic and static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles, lines and creases appear when muscles are contracted as you smile, frown, laugh, furrow your brow, and make other facial expressions. Static wrinkles, lines and creases remain visible even when your facial muscles are at rest. When Dysport takes effect after treatment, it immediately eliminates or reduces the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. Over time, the absence of muscle contractions improve the look of static wrinkles and prevent future ones from forming.

How Many Treatments Are Necessary And How Long Will The Results Last?

One Dysport treatment typically lasts 3-4 months, but may last as long as 6 months for some patients. The majority of our patients come in for regular treatment 3-4 times a year. There are no negative effects associated with long-term, ongoing Dysport use. In fact, studies indicate that patients who receive Dysport regularly may need less product over time.


What Can I Expect During The Procedure?

In the hands of an expert, Dysport is a quick procedure with little associated discomfort. After discussing your goals and past treatment, Dysport is injected into the treatment areas using a very small needle. This process only takes a few minutes. Patients often compare the feeling to having their eyebrows plucked.

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